Pop-Up Mappy Hour with Best Made: Trail Running and Photography

10 people went


Full datetime event: 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017From 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Best Made Co
145 S. La Brea, LA, 90036


Come check out Best Made's brand new LA store and hear from Laura Casner on her adventures doing ultra trail running and taking fantastic photos (including the one in the header here) along the way.

Whiskey provided by Best Made (thanks guys!) RSVP is free.

What is Mappy Hour you ask?
Mappy Hour is a community of urban dwelling outdoor enthusiasts. We started in New York City in 2014 and now have chapters around North America. This is our first L.A. based event.

More on Laura Casner: http://www.lauracasner.com/about-laura
More on Best Made: https://www.bestmadeco.com