Virtual Campfire: Adventure Stories (& Maps!)

19 people went


Full datetime event: 

New York — Saturday, March 28, 2020From 16:00 to 17:00Seattle — Saturday, March 28, 2020From 13:00 to 14:00Denver — Saturday, March 28, 2020From 14:00 to 15:00Chicago — Saturday, March 28, 2020From 15:00 to 16:00
Register to see the event location


Last weekend we kicked off our first Virtual Campfire (insta recap here: and this weekend we're taking things up a notch! Not only should you bring a photo of your awesome adventure, but also a map!

Read on...

Since we can't all be gathered around an actual campfire telling stories of our outdoor epics and exploits, we'll be joining on zoom to chat, share and hopefully, meet a new adventure buddy (for ... later).

Who's invited?
All people who like to be outside and spend time in nature

What is the required level of participation?
Everyone will be asked to introduce themselves. Beyond that, it is up to you and your own level of comfort.

What if I want to share?
Please head over to our new forum and upload your image / map so everyone will be able to view it!

How does this work?
You'll get three minutes to share a story of adventure, then we'll open it up to 2 minutes of audience questions. Example questions from last weekend:
"What was the #epicfail of your trip?"
"What kind of foods to park rangers bring to a potluck?"
"How do I start doing forest bathing?"
"How bad did that outhouse smell?"

What defines adventure?
We're going for anything that's outside! It could be a barbecue in your local park that got out of hand or a trek to Everest with a surprise outcome.

Why are you doing this?
Because we want to focus on our love for adventure and celebrate that together.

NOTE: The official storytelling is for 1 hour but everyone is welcome to stay on zoom afterwards to hang.