Miles for Ahmaud: 25 Days of Protest
Full datetime event:
StartFriday, May 8, 2020 18:00
EndWednesday, June 3, 2020 18:00
Everyone should be able to go running without fear of being murdered.
That's why we're running/walking at least 3 miles every day for the next 25 days. It's a commemoration of Ahmaud's too short 25 years of life and a daily protest for a system that doesn't serve all equally.
You too can participate. Use the tag #milesforahmaud and share your protest with your own network. We also invite everyone to join our private WhatsApp group to share photos, find support, and discuss. You'll be able to find the link when you register here.
If you're nervous nervous about getting out because of COVID-19 or don't have the option to walk/run, pausing everyday at 2:23 or walking 3 blocks in their neighborhood is another great option.