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North Bend BBQ and Meteor Shower Overnight

12 people went


Full datetime event: 

StartSaturday, August 10, 2024 5:00 pm
EndSunday, August 11, 2024 11:00 am


Jon Erick's house
14433 444th ave se
north bend wa 98045


This is an add-on event for Mappy Hour members attending this weekend's hike and/or river float. Space is limited. RSVP ASAP to reserve a spot!

Mappy Hour Seattle chapter member Jon Erick has generously offered to open up his North Bend home to us this weekend.

We have space inside for 6-8 people to sleep, with 2 private bedrooms and a living room, as well as space for camping in the backyard. BYO air mattress + bedding, or tent + sleeping bag.

The house is currently for sale and staged for showings, so we will all chip in to cover cleaning costs for our stay.

Jon Erick has also offered to host a BBQ dinner and show us a good spot to catch the Perseid meteor shower once it gets dark. BYO food for dinner and breakfast, or chip in $$$ for communal meals.

Saturday: arrive anytime after 5pm, BBQ, meteor shower, sleep
Sunday: wake up, breakfast, clean up and pack out, leave by 11:30am to begin the river float trip in Fall City.

RSVP below and you can either chip in for dinner + lodging here or in person

Event refund policy

You can get a refund until 7 days before the event