Watch: Camp Cooking Recipe: Pad Thai

TNF x Mappy Hour

Camp Cooking: Pad Thai

Need an easy and delicious meal for your next backpacking trip? MONTyBOCA’s camp cooking recipe’s are all 10 ingredients (or less) and made in 30 minutes (or less).

Thanks to all who joined the live cooking demo where we learned how to make Classics^Elevated: Pad Thai. You can choose your favorite protein: veggie, chicken or seafood.

Read on for the camp stove recipes and shopping lists…

MONTyBOCA serves the camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, and other outdoor communities looking to elevate their meals with recipes, meal plans, cookbooks that are trail-tested all over the world by members of the MONTyBOCA community.

Check out more great recipes at on Instagram or on YouTube

Get outside. Eat well. Share the tasty experience.