Mountain Biking Cunningham

Bike like a girl

Here's a list of women's biking resources for in and around New York City.
Snowshoeing in NYC

Snow day: Another chance to enjoy the best winter activities in the city

We didn't check the weather last night before we went to bed so we were pretty surprised this morning when we woke up to what looked...
Chair Lift

Indoor activities for outdoorsy people: movie recommendations for the cold weekend

If you're staying in this weekend, may we suggest an outdoor adventure inspired movie?
Surfing in New York City

Surf: Catch a winter wave in Queens

We went winter surfing in Queens.
Hiking the Long Path

Hike the Long Path: a day trip fit for your lazy Saturday

You slept in on Saturday and missed that early morning Breakneck Ridge-bound Metro-North but find that you’re still jonesin’ for a hike. Hope is not lost! Head to the George Washington Bridge, where you’ll find miles of trails, including the aptly-named Long Path.
Bike Maintenance

Tune up your bike, tune up your soul

The spring temperatures mean it’s time to tune up that bike you left chained to the light post all winter. We got a head...

Sharpen your bird brain: where to go birding in NYC

Birding, if you don’t know but you probably do, is the practice of finding, identifying and watching birds in their natural habitat. The idea...
Ninja Warrior

Ninja Warrior: Running up a wall is totally doable

Our favorite part of the Ninja Warrior class we wrote about in the newsletter this week was learning how to run up a wall....
How to Scramble

Tip: Here’s how to scramble

Many hikes in the northeast require some amount of rock scrambling or using your hands and feet to ascend a steeper-than-usual part of a hiking trail. Here are a few tips for new hikers.
Paddling in the St. Regis Christie

Stay cool with these summer outdoor activities

Confession: we’ve been feeling more sorta than outdoorsy lately and we’re blaming it on the heat. When it’s so hot out that we’re sweating...

Earth Month Guide

Earth Month is here! Please take a gander at a few tips we have complied to help you find your most sustainable‑self! There's No Planet...
Rock Climbing at BKB

Indoor activities for outdoorsy people: Rock climbing gyms in New York City

Climbing outdoors can be a little intimidating. Luckily, New York is home to multiple climbing gyms where you can learn the ropes.