Monday night, Mappy Hour took over the Lowline Lab on the Lower East Side for November Mappy Hour. The Lowline Lab is the beginning of much bigger project called the Lowline which will be a full system of underground parks. In the lab they’ve already started growing plants (including pineapple) and it was incredible to see such a lush space…. indoors.

This month our Mappy Hour was sponsored by Brooklyn’s own: Sixpoint! They hooked us up with delicious brews for the night including their seasonal SENSI Harvest (yum.)

This month we tried something completely new: Adventure Corners where we split the room into sport specific areas (hiking, surfing, skiing, and backcountry camping). Though we hate making you choose between all of the amazing outdoor activities you love, it was great to have smaller conversations in a circle.

The VIP of the night was definitely Lowline co-founder James Ramsey who spoke to us on his inspiration and vision for the Lowline.
A few fun takeaways:
-James used to work for NASA
-The Lowline = Super Mario Bros (an underground hidden world for people to explore)
-The main tube that brings light into the room for the plants is so concentrated that it’s 30 times brighter than the sun.
-There’s a secret cave at the Lowline Labs were you can see “constellations” (looks like Cassie found it….)
Thanks to everyone who joined this month. Next month we’ll be talking skiing and snowboarding at STOKED in Brooklyn.