Mappy Hour

We’re a community of urban dwelling outdoor enthusiasts. Our goal at Mappy Hour is to create safe and supportive physical and digital spaces for urban dwellers looking to connect with nature, outdoor recreation and each other.

Read our manifesto.


February Mappy Hour NYC

Last Thursday night we gathered in Filson NYC's store for a conservation themed Mappy Hour with The Nature Conservancy. Rachel Holmes, a secret comedian...

A dummy’s guide to ski resorts

Sometimes it seems like everybody's family but ours took an annual ski trip, which means that most of our friends grew up going to...

Spring hike checklist: Trails near New York City

We were discussing some of our favorite hikes near the city at Outdoorfest's Mappy Hour last night which stirred the project manager in us to...

Ninja Warrior: Running up a wall is totally doable

Our favorite part of the Ninja Warrior class we wrote about in the newsletter this week was learning how to run up a wall....

Surf: Catch a winter wave in Queens

We went winter surfing in Queens.

Indoor activities for outdoorsy people: movie recommendations for the cold weekend

If you're staying in this weekend, may we suggest an outdoor adventure inspired movie?

Hike the Long Path: a day trip fit for your lazy Saturday

You slept in on Saturday and missed that early morning Breakneck Ridge-bound Metro-North but find that you’re still jonesin’ for a hike. Hope is not lost! Head to the George Washington Bridge, where you’ll find miles of trails, including the aptly-named Long Path.

Tip: Here’s how to scramble

Many hikes in the northeast require some amount of rock scrambling or using your hands and feet to ascend a steeper-than-usual part of a hiking trail. Here are a few tips for new hikers.

Indoor activities for outdoorsy people: Rock climbing gyms in New York City

Climbing outdoors can be a little intimidating. Luckily, New York is home to multiple climbing gyms where you can learn the ropes.

NYC January Mappy Hour

NYC January Mappy Hour: Natural Navigation Last month we gathered at Solas Bar in the East Village for our monthly NYC Mappy Hour to hear...

Tip: Here’s how to stay warm when you’re surfing in the winter

Suit up: a well fitting wetsuit is the key to enjoying winter surfing.

NYC December Mappy Hour Recap

All photos by Horace Cheng Though it's been an extremely slow start to winter here on the Northeast, our most recent NYC Mappy Hour still...